If anybody offers you a drink named after a snake, you should not feel ashamed to ask what was used to make the asply named beverage, and you should also not be surprised when you find out how much alcohol is hidden within. While this particular drink was actually named for the Diamondback Lounge it was originally served in, one sip on today's tipple and you'll immediately understand that the title is indeed a double entendre I've no doubt its creator chuckled to themselves over as they passed one to an unsuspecting guest.
Thirsty Thursday - Acquiring Tastes and Negronis
I have to apologize for a potentially misleading title, I unfortunately won't have an in depth guide on how to acquire a Negroni, but let me assure you that unless you have a palate considerably wider than mine, you'll likely find obtaining one much easier than obtaining enjoyment from one. To the delight of some, and the derision of many others, it's Negroni week!
Thirsty Thursday - Long Island Iced Tea
I informed my housemate and his girlfriend that it was, pressingly, thirsty thursday today (among other things), and while I would've loved to do some hemp or othersuch inspired beverage, I inquired what they'd like to imbibe on this special day. My housemate's girlfriend perked up, "Long Island Iced Tea... but not too strong because I have to drive".